All Stars
Meet Lexi Jacobus and Tori Hoggard, twin sisters who recently completed degrees in biochemistry, summa cum laude. These pole vaulting, Phi Beta Kappa, 4.0 Honors College fellows from Cabot, Arkansas are going places – UAMS, and perhaps Tokyo in 2020?
Tori Hoggard
+ Sr|5-6|Pole Vault|Cabot, Ark.
+ SEC Indoor Champion
+ NCAA Champion
+ Seven-time All-American
Lexi Jacobus
+ Sr|5-6|Pole Vault|Cabot, Ark.
+ Five-time SEC Champion
+ Four-time NCAA Champion & 2016 Olympian
+ Seven-time All-American
Class Notes: A $600,000 Question
Last spring, in the Honors College Forum “Museum,” 12 students from a wide range of majors attended weekly classes at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.
Last spring, in the Honors College Forum “Museum,” 12 students from a wide range of majors attended weekly classes at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.
First-Generation Mentoring Program
Dekarius Dawson is a vocal studies major from Memphis; Tim Thompson is a French horn professor; both are first in their family to attend a university. They’ve struck up a friendship thanks to the First-Generation Mentoring Program.
Buen Camino Public Premiere
October 17, 2019, 6 pm, Walker Community Room, Fayetteville Public LibraryCome at 5:45 pm to hear the World Music Ensemble perform songs from the Camino
Q & A with students, faculty and filmmakers to follow the screening
Dean’s List: Report Card: 4 Years In…
"Come see us in Gearhart Hall whenever you’re on campus – my door is always open!" By Lynda Coon Launching new academic adventures: The Honors College has long supported curricular innovation – we helped launch projects ranging from service...
Meet Rufus, Your Friendly Campus Green Roof
They’re strange bragging rights – but then again, it is a roof talking. And not just any roof – the U of A’s Hillside Auditorium green roof, which is exactly what it sounds like: a roof covered in about five inches of soil, atop which native plants have been growing since March 2013. The roof, affectionately dubbed “Rufus” by its student supervisors, has been tweeting measurement updates since early February 2019 via a Raspberry Pi microcomputer, thanks to senior Zack Wofford. Wofford was inspired by a tweeting tree he encountered while studying abroad in Ghent, Belgium.
First in the Family: Mapping the College Experience
Navigating campus life can be taxing for any student. For those who are first in their family to go to college, dorm life, office hour visits and final exams can be especially intimidating. Samantha Kirby talks to four first-gen students who not only survived, but thrived.
Pop Quiz: Match Wits with Professor Goodman-Strauss
It’s back! Grab your pencil and help our first-year engineering major make her way around campus using the most efficient path possible.
Seniors Celebrate a New Tradition
By Kendall CurleePhotos by Whit Pruitt A new era dawned at the Honors College last spring, ushered in by Dean Lynda Coon, a coterie of gowned faculty, and a French horn fanfare. More than 200 seniors graduating with Latin honors got an additional heaping...
On Display: Redesigning Tolkien
The costumes flow in folds of silks and velvet, catching the eye with midnight blues, deep crimsons, and flashes of gold and silver. They evoke the brilliance of fantasy, and the grace of Tolkien’s Elves, for whom they were made. But you haven’t seen a Galadriel or an...
Rethinking Suburban Sprawl
David Sweere grew up in a classic American suburb in Maumelle, Arkansas, in a single-family home on a corner lot. He recalls a lot of lawn mowing and the fact that “you could see the Kroger grocery store from my house, but you couldn’t walk to it.” Fast forward through eight years of far-flung military service and six years of architecture school, and Sweere is ready to roll up his sleeves and redesign suburban sprawl.
Last Word: Taking a Seat in the Studio
By Tatu Gatere, B.Arch., cum laude, ’10Photos this page: Russell Cothren Tatu Gatere of Nairobi, Kenya, was a standout in her studio in Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design. Strengths in design and academics helped her and a male colleague win...
Honors College House Concert
Il MediterraneoFeaturing the World Music Ensemble
Thursday, October 10, 2019, 6 pm
Honors Student Lounge, Gearhart Hall.
Please RSVP and come early to reserve your seat.